
Send Money

Requires BASIC subscription and above.

The most awaited feature is here 🎉

Send money to family or friends within ExpenseHut.

  1. Skip unnecessary feesSend money with no hidden charges
  2. Full privacyPublic transfers are visible only to group users. Private transfers visible only to you.
  3. Fast and Safe
  4. No 3rd party apps neededLess hassle. No other apps needed to be installed on your phone.
  5. All in one
    ExpenseHut or Wallet - send to any platform and manage it all in one place.
More questions? See FAQ or Fees

* Send Money - available only to US customers.* To use the Send Money feature you must provide verification to ExpenseHut including but not limited to SMS, ID and address verification. We will store this data until you choose to delete which will void your elgibility to use Send Money. You can re-verify later any number of times.* Senders require a PayPal account. Recipients can create their account anytime before or after the transfer.