


Ever wondered why even a solid resume never gets picked up by the company?

Today, companies receive thousands of applications for a particular role. ATS systems are not intelligent enough to pick the best candidate, so companies have to rely on their employees to help fill new roles.

And that is where "referrals" comes into the picture.

With Recruit, you can now ask for a referral to anyone from any company.

With referrals, you get the interviews and your referrer earns credits.

Here is how referral works

  1. Alan from company "A" dreams about a job at company X.
  2. Alan finds a suitable role at X.
  3. Alan logs into Recruit and files a referral request. He enters all the necessary information that Recruit requires in order to sucessfully submit the request.
  4. Only users who are employees of company X can see the referral request.
  5. Xavier from company X is impressed with Alan's background & decides to help him. He refers Alan on their company's portal.
  6. Xavier then logs into Recruit, and uploads the proof.
  7. Alan will be notified about this.
  8. The referral now is in "pending review". Recruit admins will review the proof and will either "approve" or "ask for more information."
  9. Once approved both Alan and Xavier will be notified.
  10. Xavier receives credits as referrer.
  11. Alan will close the referral once he receives the interview from company X.