

Welcome to the most comprehensive in-house rewards platform.

Your customers, Your rewards!!

You can grant rewards to your customers with points. Then, you can allow them to redeem for a gift or a discount in your product.

Reward points are setup via Coupons

When you grant rewards to your customer, you select this coupon that will automatically grant the number of points associated with this coupon.

To create a coupon.

  • Login to the app
  • Select your organization.
  • Select Rewards from the left hand panel.
  • business-left-panel
  • Go to the Coupons & Rewards tab.
  • rewards-list
  • Click Add Coupon
  • add-coupon
  • Proceed with the following steps.
    1. Choose the type as Rewards and click Next.
    2. Select Flat or Percentage. Percentage is off the total bill amount. Click Next.
    3. Add Minimum bill amount. The coupon will be added only if the total bill amount is equal to or higher this value.
    4. Enter a name for this coupon and click OK.

Note: You can edit the coupon any number of times.

Grant Rewards

  • Go to the organization home page
  • Click on Quick Reward link in the top right corner.
  • org-home
  • Enter customer phone number
  • Select the coupon
  • Enter minimum bill amount if the coupon requires it.
  • Total points will be displayed below.
  • Click OK
  • grant-reward