BackEasily manage your employees without any hassle.
Save money by managing subcontractors directly, rather than paying through subcontracting companies.
Manage Employees
- Add multiple employees *
- Set start or end dates for employment.
- Add individual or organization wide bonuses.
- Set deductions for Payroll.
- Control visibility for Orders or Reimbursements
Add Employees
- Login to the app
- Select your organization.
- Select Employees from the left hand panel.
- Click Add button in the top right corner of the Employees table.
- Fill in the details.
- Email - [required] Employee's email
- Salaried or Hourly - [required] Select Salaried for full time employees. Hourly for contractors who are paid hourly.This cannot be changed later.
- Salary - [required] You can change it anytime later.
End Employment
To end employment, just set an end date to the employee.
You can follow the below steps.
- Login to the app
- Select your organization.
- Select Employees from the left hand panel.
- Choose the employee from the table.
- Set End Date and click Save
Employees who have been terminated can still access the organization but can only view paystubs.
Employee Settings
Business owners can control which employee can access Orders or Reimbursements
Employees who have been terminated can still access the organization only for viewing paystubs.Select the employee, scroll down to the bottom and enable or disable the following settings.